Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hello everyone!

I know its been two weeks or so since I last posted, but school and finals are coming up and it's getting quite busy around here.

I went home for thanksgiving and it was a lot of fun seeing my family. Even if we have our moments, fights, and arguments, I still love them and I am so thankful to have them supporting me and being around all the time.

Thanksgiving was quite an adventure watching the blood sugar...
The actual dinner part wasn't bad at all. Gave myself an extra large bolus to cover all the good food and enjoyed every bite of it. Ate way more than I thought I could and the blood sugar (pre pie time) was 108... I'll take that any day! Not long after was pie time, and who can say no to some seriously good pumpkin pie? I sure can't, so I ate a piece (and gave insulin as necessary). Number after the pie (approximately two hours after eating) was 123. A tiny bit high, but for one of the largest meal days of the year, extremely satisfying to see. The drive home wasn't fun though. For those who are not aware, diabetes (even my well controlled "version") causes very frequent urination. That combined with multiple caffeinated beverages made the two hour drive home very unpleasant. I hate making stops, and causing other people to stop for me, but this one was about to explode my bladder. Get annoying on drives to and from college as well...

Anyways, this past week wasn't a fun one. Been feeling pretty crappy and rather annoyed with all this disease stuff. I believe it is at that point now where it just is not fun anymore. It is so annoying to constantly worry about everything. Is my blood sugar going to drop if I go workout. Is this headache because I am sick or because my sugars might be high? If my sugars are high, I know i'm in for at least 24 hours of headaches. Do I need to sit out of volleyball practice for 20 minutes because i'm shaking and dizzy and so on. I remember being a non diabetic and thinking about things that annoyed me, and eating was never one of them. Now, I hate having to count everything I eat and plan meals way ahead of time.

Overall, this week just got to me because I am officially annoyed with this disease. But I cannot change it, so I might as well accept it.

More to come and go Bulldogs!

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