Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sorry for the Delay

Sorry for the delay, it's been a rough week and only getting worse. Seems every professor is trying to cram a semester worth of projects and papers into a three day window before thanksgiving. If you didn't follow, I have been, and will continue to be, extremely busy.

Had the strangest thing happen today. I was sitting in class attempting to pay attention to a rather boring lecture about Helen of Troy. As I was doing this, I felt the tube running from my pump to my stomach getting pulled on. Keep in mind this tube leads into my skin ...Ouch! I look over to see the kid sitting next to me puling on it trying to figure out what it is. Are you kidding me!?! Come on dude! If you want to figure out what it is, just ask. You don't have to sit there and yank on it to find out. This calls for a Face Palm:

In all seriousness though, just because you see something you don't understand doesn't give you the right to yank on it. So if you see a clear tube or any tube running on someones side or out of a pocket, please do not yank it.

While on the topic of upsetting things, check out this one....


That is the largest I could make it, but if you can't read it do not panic! I will describe it momentarily. I know it is the political season (or was), but the audacity this person had to post on a photo like this really got to me. Think Blue. Wear Blue. is a slogan used by the International Diabetes Federation to promote awareness of Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) and help find a cure. Obviously this one hits close to home to me since World Diabetes Day is November 14th. The whole point of the slogan is to encourage people to wear blue on fridays to support diabetic research and encourage those affected by this disease. Now I made this my banner on my facebook page to help promote this event, and a girl I used to go to high school with decided to remark "for Obama". On any other post I wouldn't have cared, but this one really? One that involves my own life and support for a cause I now support more than ever? It almost makes me want to give them my diabetic supplies and ask them to live like I do on a daily basis and see if they're willing to make that comment again. Ignorance is clearly running high in this election cycle. I know this is quite the response, but I just find it shocking that someone could be so ignorant and disrespectful. This picture represents a cause, a hope, and a community of people coming together to support research to cure a rather awful disease. Instead of respecting that, someone decided to go so low as to make it politics related because the word blue was mentioned and I happen to support the more conservative stances. Really goes to show you the ignorance of the public about this disease, and the ignorance of people in general. 

Anyways, thats almost all for now, Just a cute kitten picture to cheer us up as we leave...

Thanks for reading this! More to come and Go BullDogs!

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