Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day

Thank You For Your Service

Today is Veterans Day in America. A day where we honor those who have, are, and will continue to fight for our freedoms. This day has always held a special place in my heart because my grandfather was a veteran and overall amazing man.

My grandfather, Ralph, was one of the most inspiring men I have ever met. Even in his fading days, he was one of the strongest and happy person I have ever come across. I feel honored to be his grandson and I hope to one day even become half the man he was.

Ralph was a pilot for the US Navy in the Korean Conflict in the 1950's. He always had great stories about the door gunners on his cargo planes and target practice. He would reminisce about flying to Alaska and go into extreme detail about the aircraft he flew. I feel he was the one who fostered my love of aviation and all things military. We would spend hours on the weekends looking at old photographs and examining his various uniform ribbons and medals.  I still have those at home in my desk and I am honored to have them.

Korean War Memorial Washington, DC USA

I wish more than anything to make him proud and serve, but sadly the US Military classifies Diabetes as disqualifying medical condition so I cannot join any branch. I look at the men and women in uniform and feel like a coward standing next to them. They deserve the utmost respect and thanks because without them, this great country wouldn't be near as great. I go out of my way to thank soldiers when I see them in public, even if they haven't been deployed. The fact that someone is willing to go put themselves through hell to become a marine or pilot or coast guard rescue swimmer, and better yet do it without expecting some huge return, is awe inspiring to me.

On a final note, My grandfather passed away in the early part of 2005, and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. I remember losing it at his funeral and not wanting to accept that it was real. He was given a folded flag at his funeral (like every other service member) and my grandma gave it to me knowing how much it meant to me. I got it professionally framed in a triangle frame and placed it on my dresser. I looked at it every day (until I moved this past august) and have decided to bring it back with me to college. I know some may think that is weird, but I was that close to him and it's the one thing I can look at and remind myself who the biggest hero in my life is. He not only served my family by being the greatest father and grandfather anyone could ever want, but he served and defended our country in the Korean war. So this one is for you, Ralph. I know you're up there looking over us, and you will never be forgotten!

A prized possession

To all veterans, Thank you, God Bless, and we won't stop until we bring everyone home!

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